Monday, June 28, 2010


On Friday June 25, the aspirantes of PC Group 65 were sworn in and officially made volunteers. This was a big deal for us, but what I did not realize was that it was a big deal for the governments of the US and Panama. How big? The event was held at the outgoing US Ambassador's house and the Vice-President and First Lady of Panama were there. The Ambassador, Barbara Stephenson, got a little emotional and some Panamanians in attendance were shaking my hand and thanking me with tears in their eyes. The Vice President gave a speech and it was heartfelt and thankful. It didn't seem like your typical political affair where the gestures are superficial and the dignitaries always have somewhere better to be. It made me realize that even though we have been in our training communities worried about the next language interview or APCD meeting, what we are about to do will have a lasting effect in our lives and in the lives of our community members. It is crazy to think how real that is. For all the ego clashes and stress of training, that is all over. It is time to go to work. I think this training process has really prepared us well. CEC, at least, I know the other sectors have more trepidation than we do. So THANK YOU, Carlos and Francisco.

Above Photo: What it is all about. Playing soccer with schoolkids and cowboys from somewhere in Veraguas. Pics of US Ambassador and Panamanian VP in next edition. Peace.

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